Connecting with your Husband

Making time to connect with your husband is very important. It’s a good idea to make conscious efforts to make your life partner feel connected and appreciated. Here are just a few ideas to help you get started. Ask: What was something I did or said in the past...

Walking Through the Cycles and Seasons

Becoming a woman is a very special gift. As an older woman I see that in Titus 2 we are instructed to teach the younger women in biblical womanhood, to trust and obey God’s word and be disciples of the home. Embracing these Cycles and Seasons together to learn...

Finding Shalom Or Peace In Your Day

Here are a few ways to find shalom/peace in your daily routine.Read a Psalm every morning.Take a deep breath.Make a playlist of worship music.Start a journal for your prayers and thanksgiving.Share with your mother, grandmother, mentor or trusted friend.Seek Godly...

Embrace It

God has designed our bodies and He said “it is good.” YHVH created our cycles for our good, a renewing for cleansing. We must take responsibility for our own health and well being. We need to be graceful with each other and encourage one another to learn...